Page 62 - SPELLING
P. 62
Suffixes: Information Sheet
Suffixes are groups of letters added to the end of a word.
Suffixes change the words from one type to another. Look at
the examples below:-
Changing a verb (doing word) to a noun (naming word):
e.g. work + ‘er’ = worker
Changing a noun to an adjective (describing word):
e.g. rain + ‘y’ = rainy
Changing an adjective to a noun:
e.g. soft + ‘ness’ = softness
Changing an adjective to an adverb (describing word):
e.g. sad + ‘ly’ = sadly
Changing an adjective to a verb:
e.g. tight + ‘en’ = tighten
Here are some suffixes beginning with a vowel.
-able -al -ed -en -er -est -ing -ish -ive -ous -y
Here are some suffixes beginning with a consonant.
-ful -fully -less -ly -ness -ment -s -some
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