Page 58 - SPELLING
P. 58


Target 2: More prefixes

A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to make another word.

Below are some examples of words with the prefixes pre-, be-, de-, and
pro- for you to spell.

pre- be- de- mis-

prepare before delay mislay
prefer beneath detect misplace

pretend beside depend misfire
prevent become defend mistake

Use the words in the box below to complete the following passage:-

pretend present remain expect prepare

predict beforehand

I am having a party tonight. I want to …………..……. all of the

food ……………………. . I hope that the food will ………………….. fresh.

I will keep the food in the fridge until just before I ………………..

my friends to arrive. I can …………….…….. that my best friend

has bought me a …………….…..…, but I will ……..….…… to be surprised.

Homophones: Homophones are words that sound the same but have
different meanings and often a different spelling (e.g. not and knot).

Complete these sentences with "not" or "knot".
Not describes a 1. The taxi was ………… there.
negative or
2. Andrew tied a ……..…. in the rope.
Knot is
something you 3. The ……….. was so tightly tied, I could ………. undo it.

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