Page 55 - SPELLING
P. 55


Spelling Strategies (B):
Using your senses (multisensory methods)

Most spelling strategies use your sense of vision (sight). However,

some people learn as well or even better using other senses. You can
even try using more than one sense at once (e.g. vision and hearing).
Below are some ideas for learning spellings that use different
senses. Try them out and see which work well for you!

Auditory (hearing) Visualise and Say

Spell the word by saying the Imagine a blank screen in your

names of the letters to a mind in your chosen colour

rhythm or tune of a song or (e.g. blue) - you may need to

even as a rap. close your eyes. Now imagine
that you are writing the word
on the screen in a contrasting
Kinaesthetic (touch) colour (e.g. yellow).
Try to visualise the letters
Close your eyes to block out being written on your screen in

your visual sense and write the cursive (joined up) writing.

letters with your fingertips Say the names of the letters

onto a textured surface (like a as you write them.

carpet, woollen surface, felt Experiment with different

etc). Write using cursive colours to see which works

(joined) writing.
best for you.
You can add your sense of

hearing (auditory) by saying the

names of the letters as you

write. What different senses do you use
when you do the following?

Visual (sight) Say,
Visualise and say,
Make flashcards. Write,
Use coloured pens and add pictures. Check
Try using Spelling Sheet 2 at the Try using Spelling Sheet 1 at the
back of this booklet. back of this booklet.

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