Page 58 - Grammar_Programme
P. 58

Target 10: Adding Detail to Sentences/ Complex Sentences.

I learned how to add detail by joining together two
simple sentences in Target 7.

That’s right. We used a conjunction to

‘glue’ them together.

Dean was tired. + and + He was hungry. = Dean was tired and he was hungry.


That’s for joining simple sentences together. Is there
any other way we can add information to a sentence?

Yes, we can add information that is not a
complete sentence. Depending on where the
information is added, you may need to use one or
two commas to ‘glue’ the pieces together. This

type of sentence is called a COMPLEX sentence.

Have a look at the example below.

This is not a complete sentence –
This is a complete sentence.

it does not make sense on its own.

The boy scored a goal. + after taking careful aim =

Lets join them together:

The boy scored a goal, after taking careful aim.
OR After taking careful aim, the boy scored a goal.

As you can see, when we add information at the beginning or at the end of a
sentence we only need one comma.

For adding the information in the middle of a sentence, you need TWO commas.

The boy, after taking careful aim, scored a goal.

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