Page 60 - Grammar_Programme
P. 60
Task 1 Complex Sentences 1 point
A. Extra information has been added to the sentence below in three ways: at the
front, in the middle and at the end of the sentence. Note the use of commas.
Sentence: The boy returned home.
Extra information: walking very slowly
Add extra information to front: Walking very slowly, the boy returned home.
Add extra information in the middle: The boy, walking very slowly, returned home.
Add extra information at end: The boy returned home, walking very slowly.
Now do the same for the two examples below:
1. Sentence: Steve slipped on some ice.
Extra information: while crossing the road
Add extra information to front: ............................................................................................
Add extra information in the middle: ...................................................................................
Add extra information at end: ...............................................................................................
2. Sentence: I went to the gym.
Extra information: even though I was feeling tired
Add extra information to front: ............................................................................................
Add extra information in the middle: ...................................................................................
Add extra information at end: ...............................................................................................
Did you use commas correctly? Yes / No
(If not, read the information again and then correct your work.)
B. Some of the sentences below have missing commas. Use a coloured pen to add
the commas.
1. Since it was raining the match was cancelled.
2. My car even though it is old runs well.
3. Ted cooked dinner and Jane watched TV.
Did you use 3 commas? Yes / No Which sentence has no comma (1, 2 or 3)?
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