Page 61 - Grammar_Programme
P. 61
Task 2 Adding Detail to Sentences 2 points Bonus!
When you write, you should aim to give enough information and to make your
writing interesting for the reader.
Look at this three sentence story starter: Boring!
Jim walked along the path. It was five o’clock. It began to rain.
Now look at this version of the three sentence story starter:
Jim wearily walked along the mountain path, wishing he had put on a warmer coat.
It was now five o’clock in the afternoon, so he had been walking for six hours and
he was feeling exhausted. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightening and it began
to rain very heavily.
That’s much better! I wonder
what happens next...
Add detail to the three sentence story starter below to make it more lively and
I climbed the steps. I put on the bungee harness. I jumped.
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