Page 63 - Grammar_Programme
P. 63
Target 11: Proofreading
Structuring your sentences correctly (using good grammar) and making your
writing interesting by adding detail will improve your grades.
PROOFREADING is another way to improve your grades.
What is proofreading?
Proofreading is checking your work for
mistakes. Below are some tips to help you
proofread your work.
.. Top Tips for Proofreading
Read aloud, but if this is not possible (as you may be in the classroom),
listen to the sound of your voice ‘inside your head’ as you read. It will help
you spot mistakes.
Read slowly to give yourself time to think.
Try moving a ruler across each line as you read, or use a pen to follow the
words on the page.
If you can, take a break between doing your work and proofreading your
work. Reading it with ‘fresh eyes’ will help you to spot mistakes.
If you using a computer, print out a copy to proofread (it is harder to
proofread online).
Task: Find you own evidence 2 points
To gain your final two points, you must show your teacher some evidence that you
have proofread a sample of your writing to check the grammar. This can be a
piece of writing from any of your subjects or it can be a draft that you made
before writing the final piece. Show that you have spotted any errors and
corrected them. For example, it may be an error in subject/verb agreement, the
wrong tense used or maybe too many simple sentences. Show that you have made
suitable corrections.
Teacher’s comment on task: This task asked you to show that you have
proofread for grammar, but what else
should you look for when you proofread?
You should also:
check that your work makes sense
check your spelling
check your punctuation.
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