Page 78 - SPELLING
P. 78


Target 18: Words ending in ‘tion’, ‘sion’, ‘ssion’;

Homophones – Weather and Whether

Some points to help you with these words:-

The ‘ti’ has a ‘sh’ sound in ‘tion’. It is usually used after long vowels

e.g. nation, completion, lotion
OR after a consonant e.g. fraction, attention, invention

‘ssi’ in ‘ssion’ also has a ‘sh’ sound. It often follows a short vowel.
e.g. mission passion

‘si’ in ‘sion’ has a ‘zh’ sound after a vowel e.g. television decision

Some words have ‘sion’ saying ‘sh’ after a consonant
e.g. expansion comprehension extension

Add ‘tion’, ‘ssion’ or ‘sion’ to the end of these words:-

sec………… vi…………. progre……….. sta…..…… confu…………

Now spell these words:-

-tion -ssion -sion

direction permission conclusion (‘zh’ sound)

relation expression revision (‘zh’ sound)

addition discussion explosion (‘zh’ sound)
information admission comprehension (‘sh’ sound)

Homophones: Using "weather" and "whether".

Complete these sentences by adding whether or weather. Weather = rain,
snow etc.
1. I hope the ..………………… improves. Whether = if,

making a choice
2. She didn’t know ..……………….. to go or not.

3. He wondered ……..……………. it was raining.

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