Page 79 - SPELLING
P. 79


Target 19: ‘ti’ and ‘ci’ saying ‘sh’; ture saying ‘char’

Homophones – there’s and theirs

‘ti’ and ‘ci’ saying ‘sh’
As you have seen in Target 18, ‘ti’ says ‘sh’ in words ending in ‘tion’.
‘ti’ and ‘ci’ also say ‘sh’ in the words below.

Spell these words:-
‘ci’ saying ‘sh’

‘ti’ saying ‘sh’ especially
initial socially
partial musician
essential artificial
confidential efficient

‘ture’ saying ‘char’

Spell these words:-

picture capture nature
future furniture manufacture

culture fracture literature

Quiz: The answers to these questions are all words ending in ‘ture’.

1. This is a broken bone. ……………………………

2. To make something. ……………………………
3. You read this. …………………………….

Homophones: Using there’s and theirs

1. ……………… been an accident!
there’s = there is or there has
2. It’s one of …………..……. theirs = belonging to them

3. .……….……. a swan on the lake.

4. I know ………….… a lot of money, but its all ………………

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