Page 80 - SPELLING
P. 80
Target 20: Words ending in ‘ance’ and ‘ence’;
Dialogue Words; Homophones – Who’s and whose
Words ending in ‘ance’ and ‘ence’:
Words ending in ‘ant’ and ‘ent’ are usually adjectives. We can change them into
nouns by replacing these letters with ‘ance’ (for ‘ant’) and ence (for ‘ent’).
Complete this table:-
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
-ant -ance -ent -ence
distant distance confident confidence
important magnificent
elegant violent
assistant absent
extravagant convenient
Dialogue Words:
Do you use the word ‘said’ too often in your writing? You could try using
the words below to make your writing more interesting. Check that you
can spell these words:-
whispered giggled murmured requested
moaned explained howled shrieked
complained screeched yelled muttered
mumbled screamed exclaimed grumbled
stuttered sighed answered replied
Homophones: Using who’s and whose
1. ………….... going to tell him?
2. ……………. coat is that? who’s = who is
3. ……………. going to sing next? whose = who owns?
4. I know ……………. house it is.
5. …………….. going to tell me …………… to blame?
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