Page 73 - SPELLING
P. 73
Target 15: Plurals (2)- Words ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’;
Irregular Plurals; Using Quite and Quiet
Plurals Rule 2:
For words ending in ‘f’ – change the ‘f’ to ‘ves’.
For words ending in ‘fe’ – change the ‘fe’ to ‘ves’.
Complete this table:-
one half two halves
one wife two
one leaf two
one loaf two
one shelf two
Odd (irregular) Plurals: These plurals do not follow a rule!
Unjumble the words in bold to find the plural.
man – emn ( _ _ _ ) woman – nwemo ( _ _ _ _ _ )
tooth – ehtte ( _ _ _ _ _ ) mouse – imec ( _ _ _ _ )
foot – tfee ( _ _ _ _ ) sheep – phees ( _ _ _ _ _ )
goose – segee ( _ _ _ _ _ ) child – rndehcli ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
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