Page 69 - SPELLING
P. 69
Target 12: Words ending in ‘le’
Words ending in ‘le’: USUALLY, words ending in an ‘ul’ sound end in ‘le’.
Spell these words:-
apple fiddle middle puzzle
bubble pebble giggle triangle
tickle stumble buckle example
sparkle sample sensible double
ankle responsible possible terrible
HOWEVER, ‘le’ never follows v, r, s, u, m, w and n – ‘al’, ‘el’, ‘il’ or
ol’ are used instead.
Here is a mnemonic to help you remember this, but you may wish to
make up your own!
Very rusty scooters usually make weird noises!
novel travel vel travel vel travel central barrel universal utensil
usual actual
animal decimal mal decimal original tunnel
towel vowel
Add ‘le’, ‘el’ or ‘al’ to complete these words:-
nozz _ _ wrigg _ _ matern _ _ pudd_ _
individu _ _ marv _ _ scribb _ _ sever _ _
strang _ _ exception _ _ obstac _ _ vow _ _
Dictation: Write these phrases (remember to use the suffix rules!):-
possibly puzzling sensibly cycling usually travelling
prickly thistle marvellous jungle sparkling candles
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