Page 104 - SPELLING
P. 104
Target 12: Words ending in ‘le’
Add ‘le’, ‘el’ or ‘al’ to complete these words:-
nozzle wriggle maternal puddle
individual marvel scribble several
strangle exceptional obstacle vowel
Target 13: Homophones – Where, Were and Wear
Complete the sentences with either
"where", "wear" or "were".
1. Where have you been?
where – the place 2. We were buying some sweets.
wear – clothes 3. His coat was beginning to wear out.
4. If I were you I would say sorry.
were – from the
verb ‘to be’ 5. I wish we were on holiday now.
6. It was a place where you could
wear what you liked.
7. If only they were here now.
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