Page 108 - SPELLING
P. 108
Target 17: " i before e except after c "
believe fierce receiver
perceive shriek conceit
Alia received a piece of cake from her niece.
Target 18: Words ending in ‘tion’, ‘sion’, ‘ssion’;
Homophones – Weather and Whether
Add ‘tion’, ‘ssion’ or ‘sion’ to the end of these words:-
section vision progression station confusion
Homophones: Using "weather" and "whether".
Complete these sentences by adding whether or weather.
1. I hope the weather improves.
2. She didn’t know whether to go or not.
3. He wondered whether it was raining.
Target 19: ‘ture’; Homophones – There’s and Theirs
Quiz: The answers to these questions are all words ending in ‘ture’.
1. This is a broken bone. fracture
2. To make something. manufacture
3. You read this. literature
Homophones: Using there’s and theirs
1. There’s been an accident!
2. It’s one of theirs.
3. There’s a swan on the lake.
4. I know there’s a lot of money, but it’s all theirs.
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