Page 102 - SPELLING
P. 102
Target 7: Suffixes – The disappearing ‘e’ rule for words
ending in a magic ’e’
Complete theses tables:-
word -ed -er -ing
joke joked joker joking
tickle tickled tickler tickling
manage managed manager managing
grumble grumbled grumbler grumbling
save saved saver saving
word -ful -fully -less
use useful usefully useless
grace graceful gracefully graceless
care careful carefully careless
Homophones: Using “there”, “their” or “they’re”:-
1. I can hear their voices over there.
2. They’re coming home today.
3. There is a tree in their garden.
4. Are our friends here? No, they’re on their way.
Target 10: Suffixes – The ‘y’ to ‘i’ rule for words ending in
‘consonant – y’
Complete these tables.
Verb Present Tense Past Tense (-ed) Add ‘ing’
cry he cries he cried crying
hurry she hurries she hurried hurrying
play he plays He played playing
rely she relies she relied relying
multiply it multiplies it multiplied multiplying
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