Page 99 - SPELLING
P. 99


Target 1: Prefixes

Examples of words with a prefix (the prefix is underlined):-
antidote - works against the effects of something (e.g. poison)
coexist - live together in the same place
untidy - not tidy
prepare – get ready
misbehave – not behave well

exclaim - cry out
nonsense – not making sense
refill – fill again
disagree - not agree, quarrel
misplace - lose something, put in the wrong place

Add per-, ex-, un- or re- to complete these words:-

perfect untangle refresh person

explore renew unwell unfair

return perhaps extend expansion

Target 2: More prefixes

Use the words in the box below to complete the following passage:-

pretend present remain expect prepare

predict beforehand

I am having a party tonight. I want to prepare all of the food

beforehand. I hope that the food will remain fresh.

I will keep the food in the fridge until just before I expect

them to arrive. I can predict that my best friend has

bought me a present, but I will pretend to be surprised.


Complete these sentences with "not" or "knot".

1. The taxi was not there.

2. Andrew tied a knot in the rope.

3. The knot was so tightly tied, I could not undo it.

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