Page 95 - Grammar_Programme
P. 95

Target 6: Sentences – General Rules

Task 1 (1 Point)
A. The eight complete sentences are:

Don’t laugh! Where do you live? He ate all of the cake!
Only three people can go. It flew over the house. Go!

Fishing is a popular hobby. Did you buy a new laptop?

B. Complete each sentence below by adding a full stop (for a statement), a
question mark (for a question) or an exclamation mark (for a command).

Stop it! Slowly, I made my way home. What time is it?
Quick, get out of the car! I live in Blackpool. Help me!
I love chocolate. Are you ready? It is time to go.

Have they gone? I don’t have time to chat. Go away!
I will remember to lock the door . Did she leave the door open?

Is George good at basketball? Be quiet! She cried.
(Seven full stops, five exclamation marks, five question marks.)

Task 2 (2 points) Bonus
Five to eight sentences should be aimed for. As a guide, the sentence can be

split up when the word ’and’ appears. However, some sentences containing ‘and’
are acceptable. The main point to consider is that the sentences make good
sense. Up to two points can be awarded.

Task 3 Find your own evidence (2 points)
Up to two points can be awarded for a sample of writing that shows good
sentence construction (i.e. beginning with a capital letters at start; full stop,
exclamation mark or question mark at end; a verb; the sentence makes sense and
are a sensible length).

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