Page 74 - Grammar_Programme
P. 74

Target 4: Verbs and the Tenses

Task 2

A. Corrected version of paragraph: Bonus

Last week, Harry had a fright. He went to bed early and was sitting
on his bed to read a horror story about a haunted house. Suddenly

he heard a strange noise. It was coming from above him. It sounded

like footsteps in the attic. He called his father to come and listen to

the noise. His father came into his room and listened carefully.

Harry’s father could hear the noise too. Then he smiled and said,
“Harry it’s only birds that have nested in the attic!”

(8 mistakes) 1 point

B. Write a few sentences about what you would like to do when you leave school,
taking care to use the correct tense.

This should be written in the future tense and complete sentences should be
used to gain a point.
1 point

Task 3: Find your own evidence
Three points can be awarded as follows: !

A. A piece of writing where you have used the past tense correctly. 1 point

B. A piece of writing where you have used the present tense correctly. 1 point

C. A piece of writing where you have used the future tense correctly. 1 point

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