Page 71 - Grammar_Programme
P. 71

Target 3: Finding the Verb

Task 1 1 point

A. The verbs are underlined in the sentences below. Some sentences have more
than one verb.
1. The cat ate the mouse.

2. Leo sat on his sofa and watched TV.

3. I was cold when I swam in the sea.

4. On Tuesday, Gary visited his friend in Leeds.

5. The doctor checked my blood pressure.

6. Fahad is a good basketball player.

7. Susan acted and sang in the school play.

8. Harry and Ben repair and sell cars.

(Twelve verbs)

Which two are ‘being’ verbs? Answer: was and is.

B. The action verb is missing from the sentence below.

The girl .......... the door.

Here is a selection of possible verbs, but other verbs that make sense in the
sentence can also be allowed:

painted hit washed repaired slammed closed

opened removed watched polished slapped liked

locked smashed cleaned sketched scratched

burned varnished tapped destroyed sanded bolted

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