Page 69 - Grammar_Programme
P. 69

Target 2: Pronouns and Determiners

Task 1: Pronouns 1 point

Rewrite the sentences below replacing the words in bold italics with a suitable pronoun.

1. Mrs Hill parked the car in the garage.

Suitable pronouns:
She parked it (that or this is also acceptable) in the garage.

2. The books belonged to the children.

Suitable pronouns:
They belonged to them. OR Those belonged to them

3. Ben would have given the key to Sue if Sue had asked for the key.

Suitable pronouns:
He would have given the key to her if she had asked for it.

Underline or highlight the mistakes in the sentences below and rewrite them

4. Whom is going to come with I?

Correct version: Who is going to come with me?

5. You and me will work with who?

Correct version: You and I will work with whom?

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