Page 42 - Grammar_Programme
P. 42

Hints for using Conjunctions

 Be careful not to use the same conjunctions over and over again -
make your writing more interesting by using different conjunctions.

Here is an example:

Fatima wanted to buy new shoes but she couldn’t decide which to buy. She liked
the blue ones but also liked the red ones but she couldn’t afford both. The red

ones had higher heels but the blue ones looked really cool. She chose the red
ones but really wanted both!

‘But’ has been used too often in this paragraph.

Fatima wanted to buy new shoes but she couldn’t decide which to buy. She liked

the blue ones and also liked the red ones though she couldn’t afford both. The
red ones had higher heels whereas the blue ones looked really cool. She chose
the red ones yet really wanted both!

Here, different conjunctions have been used and the writing is

more interesting for the reader.

 Different conjunctions can change the meaning of your sentence -
choose your conjunction carefully!

Look at the two simple sentences below:

I boil the kettle. I make a cup of tea.

Now look at how different conjunctions change the meaning of the compound
sentence made from these two simple sentences.

I boil the kettle and I make a cup of tea.
I boil the kettle if I make a cup of tea.
I boil the kettle when I make a cup of tea.

I boil the kettle while I make a cup of tea.
I boil the kettle whenever I make a cup of tea.

I boil the kettle before I make a cup of tea.

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