Page 24 - Grammar_Programme
P. 24
Target 3: Find the Verb
1 point
Task 2
A. As you know, a verb can be made up of more than one word.
Highlight or underline the words that make up the verb in the sentences below.
1. George has been waiting for his parcel to arrive.
2. I will listen to your story.
3. I could be going home early today. How many
4. They would like pasta for lunch. answers were
5. I should have eaten my sandwich.
........ out of 10
6. Fred was fishing in the lake.
7. Mr Wan will be going to Paris tomorrow.
8. Mario has been painting his room.
9. Jim may be coming to the party.
10. You should have been doing your homework.
(If any of your answers were incorrect, read the information on ‘linking verbs’
again and then see if you can spot your mistakes.)
B. Extend your vocabulary!
In your written work, try to add interest by varying your vocabulary. Unjumble
the words below to find different words you could use instead of ‘said’.
hispedwre = w......................... htoedus = s...........................
leripde = r.......................... umterted = m..........................
asnedrwe = .......................... xeclmadie = ............................
There are many other words you can use instead of ‘said’.
Here are some more examples:
announced, argued, begged, called, chuckled, cried, explained,
grumbled, insisted, joked, laughed, mentioned, murmured, pleaded,
queried, screamed, shrieked, sighed, sobbed, stammered, stated,
stuttered, suggested, urged, uttered, yelled
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