Page 23 - Grammar_Programme
P. 23

Target 3: Finding the Verb
1 point
Task 1

A) Underline or highlight the verbs in the sentences below. Some sentences have
more than one verb.

1. The cat ate the mouse.

2. Leo sat on his sofa and watched TV.

3. I was cold when I swam in the sea.

4. On Tuesday, Gary visited his friend in Leeds.

5. The doctor checked my blood pressure.

6. Fahad is a good basketball player.

7. Susan acted and sang in the school play.

8. Harry and Ben repair and sell cars.

Did you find twelve verbs? Yes/ No
(If not, read ‘Part Two: Determiners’ again and then try to find the ones you missed.)

Which two are ‘being’ verbs? ............................ and .............................

B. The action verb is missing from the sentence below. Two possible choices have
already been written in the box below.
How many more can you add to the box in 4 minutes?

The girl .......... the door.

painted hit

How many action verbs did you find in 4 minutes?
8 or more Well done!
6 - 7 Good try! Use a thesaurus to make your total up to eight.
5 or less Use a thesaurus to find some more words or ask your friends for ideas.

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