Page 38 - SPELLING
P. 38


Target 9: Words ending in –ck


back peck lick sock luck

clock neck duck check shock
attack truck stuck thick quick

Now try these:-

chick chicken tick ticket
rock rocket buck bucket

Revision quiz:-
Each answer is a word in which th, ch, sh or tch occurs.

1. Treasure may be kept in this. (ch) ................................

2. Found on a rose bush and can hurt you. (th) ................................

3. 3rd. (th) ................................

4. Boxers do this. (ch) ................................

5. Not fat. (th) ................................

6. Part of your leg. (sh) ................................

7. Tomato sauce (tch)................................

8. You do this with an axe. (ch) ................................

9. Comes after lightning. (th) ................................

10. You cook in this room. (tch)................................

11. It has taps and a plug. (th) ................................

12. You do this when you are cold. (sh) ................................

Score = ……………… out of 12

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