Page 35 - SPELLING
P. 35


Target 6: ‘ch’, ‘sh’ and ‘th’

Spell these words:-

ch sh th

chip punch ship wish thin thud
chat chop shop blush thump thorn

much march shin crash bath both
rich chest brush flash with cloth


chunk thirst splash thrust
chart shrink slush froth
squelch squash thrush sharp

Revision Dictation

1. The frog jumped into the pond with a splash.
2. Stop or you may trip over the bench!

3. Put the brush in the shed.
4. There is a sharp thorn on the branch.

5. The cloth is soft and damp.
6. I fell and now have a lump on my shin.

7. He spent all of his cash.
8. Pull out the bath plug.
9. The thrush sings a shrill song.

10. The chart will help you to plan your trip.

How many did you get

……… out of

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