Page 41 - SPELLING
P. 41
Target 12: Magic ‘e’ (Long vowels)
Magic "e" gives a vowel its alphabet name
(long vowel sound), e.g.
hat hate
cut cute
cod code
pip pipe
pet Pete
Spell the words below.
Now underline the words that contain a magic "e":-
scrap scrape rod rode
bit bite scar scare
strode tubs tubes perfume
alone alive shine shin
rid ride pride escape
trap snake outside excuse
din dine eve evening
game complete athlete telescope
quit quite spin spine
Write these sentences:-
She slid down the slide. Did you tap the tape?
I can walk with a cane. Sid sat on the left-hand side.
She gave the cat a huge hug. He was quite glad that he quit.
Target words to learn:-
July August September October
November December
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