Page 92 - SPELLING
P. 92
Target 3: Consonant clusters at the end of a word
Use these consonant blends to complete the words below:-
tw pl sp rt mp st
pl u mp tw i st sp o rt
Target 4: Adding -ed and -ing
huff + ed huffed map + p + ed mapped
pull pulled jam jammed
buzz buzzed chat chatted
miss missed zip zipped
link linked sort sorted
land + ing landing kid + d + ing kidding
fill filling jam jamming
swim swimming part parting
Target 5: ’’’’’’’ Apostrophes – Rule 1 ’’’’’’’
Complete this table:-
long form missing letter(s) shortened form
he is i he’s
I will wi I’ll
they are a they’re
we are a we’re
she will wi she’ll
have not o haven’t
does not o doesn’t
do not o don’t
should have ha should’ve
could have ha could’ve
might have ha might’ve
how is i how’s
must not o mustn’t
I would woul I’d
who is i who's
were not o weren’t
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