Page 91 - SPELLING
P. 91


Target 1: Words with short vowel sounds

l a t


b i p


m u d

lap lad let led lit lip

lid lot lop bat bap bad

bet bed bit bid but bud

mat map mad met mop mud

Below 10 = try again! 10 to 15 = Good try! More than 15 = Expert!

Target 2: Consonant clusters at the beginning of words

Which three words in the box rhyme with hip?

Any three of:- flip trip skip strip

Which three words in the box rhyme with slap?
snap clap scrap

How many words can you make using these letters?

a s l i p o r d t

Some examples:

slip sold slit stop sort split
plod part prod plot drip drop

dirt dart trod told trip trap

Less than 5 = try again 6 or 7 = quite good 8 o r 9 = good 10 or more = excellent

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