Page 47 - SPELLING
P. 47


Target 18: -ie, -oe, -ue

A few long i, long o and long u
words can be made by adding an ‘e’
at the end.

-ie -oe -ue

lie toe due

pie hoe true

tie woe value
die doe clue

-ir and –ur words saying ‘er’

-ir -ur

stir bird fur curl burn
dirt shirt turn return turf

girl skirt nurse curse curve
firm first curtain urgent surprise
swirl thirsty murder purpose further

Unjumble these words (they can all be found in the box above):-

g n t u r e ……………………….

y s t r i t h ……………………….

r i t s k ……………………….

r p s u i e r s ……………………….

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