Page 88 - Grammar_Programme
P. 88
Target 2: Pronouns and Determiners
Task 1: Pronouns (1 Point)
1. She parked it (that or this are also acceptable) in the garage.
2. They belonged to them. OR Those belonged to them
3. He would have given the key to her if she had asked for it.
4. Who is going to come with me?
5. You and I will work with whom?
Task 2: Determiners (1 Point)
1. a) Zebras have many stripes and a black tail.
b) I visited my (her and our are also acceptable) mother this morning.
c) Mr Kowalski signed his name on the first page.
d) Ann planted an apple tree in her (my and our are also acceptable) garden.
e) We are buying two presents for our (her and my are also acceptable)
Scorpions have eight legs and two claws. They are easily recognized
by a tail which curls up and over their back. At the end of its tail is
a poisonous stinger. Scorpions use this poison to kill their prey.
During the day, most scorpions stay in their burrows under the
ground. During the night, the scorpions hunt for their food.
Some people keep scorpions as their pets. They are best kept in a
glass tank with an escape-proof lid!
(20 determiners in total)
Task 3: Find your own evidence (2 points in total)
1. FIVE pronouns highlighted or underlined in a piece of written work, from
any subject, will score a point.
1 point
2. TEN determiners, correctly used, highlighted or underlined in a piece of
written work, from any subject, will score a point.
1 point
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